May 14 2013
Global Named One of the Largest Advertising Agencies for the U.S. Hispanic Market by AdAge
Advertising Age, the leading publication for the marketing and communications industry worldwide, released its annual agency rankings on April 29th. For the third consecutive year, Global Advertising Strategies has demonstrated an unprecedented growth within the U.S. Hispanic market space, becoming the third largest independently owned agency on the list, and 7th largest overall.
With a nearly 15% spike in revenues since 2012, Global continues its expansion on the fastest growing market segment in the United States today. Global acquired Prime Access, one of the largest African-American agencies, in the fall of 2012, becoming the largest independently owned health and wellness agency with an expertise in reaching the US Hispanic, African-American, Asian-American, LGBT, and other diverse US populations.
Global also ranked among the top 10 largest agencies in the Asian-American market, solidifying its leadership in the cross-cultural marketing landscape overall. For more information on the 2013 Ad Agency Report, visit AdAge.com.